Saturday 24 October 2009






Minutes of September Monthly Meeting held on the 16th September, 2009.
Proposed by Councillor Wall, seconded by Councillor Redmond.

Minutes of Vote of Sympathy meeting held on the 26th of Aug, 2009
Proposed by Councillor Redmond, seconded by Councillor Wall.

Councillor Lawler said that on behalf of his family and himself, he would like to thank his colleagues and staff of the Council, for their kind words and expression of sympathy conveyed to him and his immediate family, upon the recent passing away of their mother.

Matters Arising.

Councillor Wright sought an update on the Porta Cabins at the local school. The A/Town Clerk advised the members that the Council had previously written out to the Department of Education on this matter but are still waiting on a reply and will follow up again.

Councillor Wright also sought an update on the provision of transport for students to the new schools on the Monasterevin Road. The A/Town Clerk advised the members that the Council had also previously written to the Department of Education on this matter but are still waiting on a reply and will follow up again.

Councillor Wright sought an update on the artefacts discovered during the road works at Ardreigh. The Town Manager advised the members, that any finds on an archaeological dig, automatically becomes the property of the National Museum, and in due course, will be put on public display, and that photos of these artefacts would be obtained by the Council for the members.

Councillor Wright sought an update on the wording of the “prohibiting of consumption of alcohol in public parks” signs in the peoples’ park. The Town Engineer advised the members that the wording on the signs would be checked and will report back at the next monthly meeting.

Councillor Redmond sought an update on motion 12 (Re. bicycle terminals) The Town Manager advised the members that this proposal was forwarded, to the Roads Design Office in Kildare County Council, to be included and incorporated, in the drafting of the Athy Traffic Management Plan.

Councillor Wall sought an update on the purchase of a new mulching kit for the existing lawnmower. The Town Engineer advised the members that the Council do not have the necessary monies to purchase this equipment but that due consideration would be given to this when Council finances permit it.

Minutes of Special Meeting for Civic Presentation to the Rose of Tralee held on the 3rd of September, 2009
Proposed by Councillor Mahon, seconded by Councillor O’ Sullivan.

Draft Traffic Management Plan - Part 8 (Donal Hodgins, Senior Executive Engineer to attend.)
The Town Manager advised the members that the SEE could not be in attendance, to give an up-to date briefing as planned, due to personal circumstances, and requested that this be deferred till next month.

It was agreed by all the members that it would be deferred until October monthly meeting.

Nomination to Cill Dara ar Aghaidh Teoranta
On the proposal of Councillor Mahon and seconded by Councillor Wall, and with the unanimous agreement of the other members, the Cathaoirleach, was duly nominated to Cill Dara ar Aghaidh Teoranta.

To receive up-date regarding 2009 Housing Capital Programme
The Town manager gave an up-to-date briefing to the members on what Capital housing projects/remedial works have been completed so far in 2009 and what housing works the Council, hope to undertake in the future.

The members were unanimous in their praise and appreciation of the hard work done by staff members in the completion of remedial works to date.

Audited Annual Financial Statement 2009
This was noted by the members.

Planning and Development Act 2000- List of Protected Structures
- To consider list of protected structures:
A) Upper William Street
B) 12 Emily Square
The Town Manager advised the members that a report on the relevant structures was presently been prepared by the Conservation Officer in Kildare County This was circulated along with relevant files. It was resolved that the proposed delisting would proceed to the formal public consultation stage in accordance with the terms of the Planning and Development Act 2000.

To note special meeting/civic reception to honour the 2009 Rose of Tralee.
The members were unanimous in congratuling Charmaine Kenny on been selected as the Rose of Tralee for 2009.

The A/Town Clerk read out all relevant correspondence received since the previous monthly meeting, which was duly noted by the members.

Notices of Motion.

Councillor Dalton
“That the footpath at Janeville be upgraded.”

On the proposal of Councillor Dalton, seconded by Councillor Lawler

Following a discussion by the members their was unanimous agreement that the necessary upgraded work on the footpath be carried out as soon as possible. This was noted by the Town Engineer.

14. “That this Council recommends a Yes vote in the Lisbon Treaty Referendum.”

On the proposal of Councillor Dalton, seconded by Councillor Lawler

The Cathaoirleach requested a vote on this motion. Seven members voted in favour of this motion and one member vote against this motion. This motion was duly carried and passed.

Councillor Wright
“That in view of the fact that Athy is a heritage town and also that old St. Michael’s cemetery is also part of our heritage, I propose, that in view of the disgraceful state of the cemetery that we take immediate steps to have it cleaned up, as it is a slight and blight on this Council and town, and that while cemeteries all over the country have FAS employees working in them, this should also apply to Athy.”

On the proposal of Councillor Wright, seconded by Councillor Redmond.

Following a discussion on this motion the members were unanimous in complimenting the current caretaker for his continuous hard work in the upkeep and maintenance of the local cemeteries and also requested that a meeting of the Cemetery Committee be held as soon as possible.

“That we as a Council pursue a search in the land registry as to the owner of the lands from St. John’s Lane to Greenhill’s because it is in a filthy state and beside a school and a housing estate, and should be cleaned up.”

Following a discussion on this motion the members agreed that a search in the land registry be carried out by Council officials to determine who the ownership of the area in question.

The Town Engineer advised the members that this would be carried out as soon as possible and also the litter warden would patrol the area in question on a regular basis

The Cathaoirleach also proposed that the Council liaise with RAPID to look at the possibility of obtaining some funding to clean up the area in question.

“That we as a Council look at the possibility of removing the old wall between Carbery Park and Dooley’s Terrace as it is in a terrible state of dereliction and is also been used as a dump which is totally unfair to the residents of Dooley’s Terrace and Carbery Park, where recent remedial works have been carried out.”

On the proposal of Councillor Wright, seconded by Councillor Redmond

Following a discussion on this motion it was agreed that this council should look at the possibility of removing the wall in question as one way of stopping continuous illegal dumping in this area

The Town Engineer advised the members that the litter warden would patrol the area in question and all viable option would be looked at.

It was agreed by the members that motions’ 18 and 24 would be taken together

Councillor O’ Sullivan
18. “That Athy Town Council voices its disappointment at the proposed closure of wards in St Vincent’s Hospital, Athy and Naas General Hospital to the HSE.”

On the proposal of Councillor O’ Sullivan, seconded by Councillor Daly

24. Councillor, Mahon, Redmond and Wall
“That Athy Town Council calls on the HSE to reverse its decision to close a 26 bed ward at St Vincent’s Hospital, considering the affect that such a closure will have on patients and their families and, indeed the staff of the Hospital.”

On the proposal of Councillor Mahon, seconded by Councillor Wall

Following a comprehensive discussion on this motion the members agreed that the HSE be written out to, in quite clear and emphatic terms, demanding that the decision to close the bed wards in St Vincent’s Hospital be immediately reversed and that these wards be kept open.

The A/Town Clerk advised the members that letter conveying their wishes on this matter would be forwarded to the HSE as soon as possible.

The Cathaoirleach advised the members that a march in protest against these ward closures was organised for 2pm on September the 26th and that it was imperative that all members show a united front on this issue and attend this march. This had the support of all the other members.

Councillor Daly
19 “That Athy Town Council examine the provision of safe cycle routes to the new education campus on the Monasterevin Road.”

On the proposal of Councillor Daly, seconded by Councillor O’ Sullivan.

Following a discussion on this motion it was agreed that the Council should look at the possibility of putting in place safe cycles routes for students going to and coming from the new schools on the Monasterevin Road.

The Town Engineer said he would liaise with the Area Engineer on this matter and would revert back to the members in due course.

20. “That Athy Town Council engages with Kildare County Council to ensure speedy completion of the perimeter wall and road upgrading at the new swimming pool.”

On the proposal of Councillor Daly, seconded by Councillor O’ Sullivan

Following a discussion on this motion it was agreed that this Council should ensure that the perimeter wall and road upgrade at new swimming pool be immediately completed by Kildare County Council and this Council should liaise with them to ensure that this work is completed to everyone’s’ satisfaction.

The Town Manager advised the members that he would liaise with Director of Services for Sport and Leisure in Kildare County Council to ensure work in question is completed.

“That Athy Town Council addresses the issue of slowing traffic on the Fortbarrington road where the Ardrew development has taken place.”

On the proposal of Councillor Daly, seconded by Councillor O’ Sullivan.

Following a discussion on this motion the were unanimous in agreement that any outstanding traffic issues in relation to the Ardrew development be addressed as soon as possible. This was noted by the Town Engineer.

Councillor Mahon and Wall
“That Athy Town Council establishes a sub-committee to examine current Standing orders and the structure and remit of sub-committees.”

Following a discussion on this motion the members were unanimous in their agreement that a review of the present format and area of responsibility for existing sub-committees, along with present standing orders, be carried out as soon as possible.

The Town Manager advised the members that the Local Government Act gives ample discretion and control to local authorities in the overall operation of sub- committees, and that also he would distribute at the next month’s monthly meeting a list of current existing sub-committees.

On the proposal of Councillor Mahon and seconded by Councillor Lawler standing orders was duly suspended

Councillor Redmond and Wall
23. “That necessary action including serving a derelict order be taken by Athy Town Council to ensure that Kildare County Council restores the vacant premises in meeting Lane.”

On the proposal of Councillor Redmond, seconded by Councillor Wall.

Following a discussion on this motion the Town Manager advised the members that, the Clerk of Works would liaise with Kildare County Council on this issue and would revert back to the members on this matter in due course.

25. Cathaoirleach’s Business

The Cathaoirleach advised the members that it was imperative that this Council takes the lead and is involved in all aspects of the SHINE Project. This had the support of the other members.

The Cathaoirleach advised the members that the Council would have a stall at the forthcoming Ploughing Championship, and whilst this will largely be staffed by Council employees, it was important that Council members give some of their time to be at the stall.

The Cathaoirleach on behalf of herself and the other members congratulated Councillor O’ Sullivan on her recent appointment as President of Athy’s Lions Club. Councillor O’ Sullivan thanked the members for their kind words

The Cathaoirleach advised the members that the houses at Ardrew have been allocated, and on behalf of herself and her colleagues, would like to thank and compliment the staff of this Council for their hard work in ensuring that the involved was these house were duly allocated

The Cathaoirleach advised the members that a dinner for Tom Skehan, former Town Manager of Athy, to mark his recent retirement from Kildare County Council, will be held on Friday the 18th of September in Killashee Hotel, and all are welcome.

The Cathaoirleach advised the members that a follow up meeting with Athy Traffic Committee will take place as soon as possible.

26. Manager’s Business.
The Town Manager requested that the election of the Budget Committee would be deferred till next month’s meeting. This had the unanimous agreement of the members.

The Town Manager advised the members that Helen Dowling, RAPID Co-ordinator would give an up-to-date briefing on the Interreg Project at next month’s meeting.

27. Report from Sub- Committees.
Arts Committee: The Cathaoirleach gave a positive progress report on the Methodist Hall, which was welcomed by the members, and thanked the Town Manager, on behalf of the members and herself, for ensuring that this project was finally realised

RAPID: Councillor Daly gave report to the members on RAPID. This was noted by the members.

Tidy Towns: Councillor Redmond reported to the members on the continuous hard work undertaken by its dedicated members in trying to keep Athy clean and litter free

Town Twinning: Councillor Redmond advised the members that the recent stay of French students, under the exchange programme, was a great success. This was noted by the members.

28. Planning Register.

29. Any Other Business.

Councillor Mahon advised the members that a meeting of the Joint Policing Committee was scheduled for the 29/09/09

Councillor O’ Sullivan requested a letter be forwarded out to Aidan McHugh congratulating him and his canoe team for doing so well in the Liffey descent competition.

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