Thursday 22 November 2007

Minutes of October 07 Meeting





The meeting commenced at 7.00pm with a presentation by the Tidy Towns Committee.

The Cathaoirleach welcomed the Tidy Towns Committee and thanked them for the great work they had carried out in 2007. He congratulated them on the 23 point increase on last year’s marks in the tidy town’s competition.

The Tidy Towns Committee outlined where the gains had been achieved. The committee outlined areas that could be improved upon. Some of these were, removal of advertising boards, getting rid of graffiti at the swimming pool, the arch centre on the Kilkenny rd, painting the seats in the Peoples Park, painting the bollards in Offaly St, the grass area on the Stradbally Rd needs to be levelled, removal of overhead cables. The Committee highlighted the need for signage cleaning and looking at signage types etc. A copy of the report is to be circulated to the councillors.

Suspend Standing Orders at 7.30,
Proposed by Cllr. Daly,
Seconded by Cllr.Lawler.

The Cathaoirleach thanked the tidy towns committee for their presentation.

Cllr. English also thanked them for their great work, and stated that he had seen them out many evenings sweeping and cleaning. He said we, as a council should help the committee, and said we could look at cleaning our signage. With regard to signage type he stated that the council had introduced byelaws on signs. With regard to derelict sites he stated that we as a council should be fining the owners of derelict sites.

Cllr. Lawler supported the views expressed. He stated that they were a voluntary group and the 23 point increase was a credit to them. He agreed that Athy Town Council needs to be more pro-active on derelict sites.
Cllr Daly acknowledged the very hard work of the committee. He stated that the simple issues like signage the council could address. He informed the meeting that the council needs to meet the tidy towns committee early in 2008 to prepare a plan of action for 08 and to see what assistance Athy Town Council can give the committee.
Cllr Dalton also wished to be associated with the compliments and congratulations issued to the committee. He stated that the council could look at the approach roads with Kildare County Council and look at our own derelict buildings. He also requested that the owners of the property listed in the May monthly meeting be written to and asked what are their plans for this building.

Cllr O’Sullivan also congratulated the tidy towns committee, and stated that it was a very small committee, who were very hard working and dedicated.

Cllr Breslin congratulated the committee and agreed with all of the above. She said why would we not paint our furniture, she also stated that the committee should liase with the town engineer on the small jobs.

The Cathaoirleach informed the meeting that Athy Town Council, Kildare County Council, the chamber of commerce, the educational establishments and residents associations all need to work with the tidy towns committee in order to maximise our points. Tullamore won a bronze and if we can increase out votes by 10% next year we will not be far off achieving a bronze medal. He told the tidy towns committee that Athy Town Council would take their suggestions on board.

Standing Orders resumed,
Proposed by Cllr. Lawler.
Seconded by Cllr. Breslin.


The minutes of the September monthly meeting held on the 19th of September 2007 were adopted,
On proposal of Cllr. Lawler.
Seconded by Cllr. Dalton.

The minutes of the Special Meeting held on the 26th of September 2007 were adopted,
On proposal of Cllr. Lawler.
Seconded by Cllr. O’ Sullivan.

The minutes of the Special Meeting held on the 9th of October 2007 were adopted.
On proposal of Cllr. Daly,
Seconded by Cllr. Lawler.

The Cathaoirleach welcomed Declan Keogh the new Road Safety Officer for County Kildare and congratulated him on his appointment. The Cathaoirleach also wished Cllr. Noel Scully who is in hospital, a speedy recovery. All of the councillors wished to be associated with these remarks.


The Cathaoirleach complemented the town clerk on the task list and said it would be very helpful.

Cllr. Dalton enquired if the Town Council had any indication of when the hearing on the part v units would take place. The Town Clerk informed the meeting that as negotiations were taking place she was reluctant to discuss the matter.

Cllr O’ Sullivan asked when the pedestrian lights in Stanhope Street would be operational. The engineer replied that Athy Town Council was still trying to get them connected. The Cathaoirleach commented on the very bad service the ESB was providing Athy Town Council.

Cllr. Daly acknowledged the work of the caretaker in ordering the CFL bulbs for the chamber, and he stated that he welcomed the report circulated on the water quality in the river Barrow, but said we will need to keep this monitored. He noted that the formation of the protocol committee would wait until the new town clerk was in place.


· Copies of A.M.A.I Newsletter for circulation.

· Notice of the 7th Ernest Shackleton Autumn School in Athy from the 26th to 29th of October.

· Notice of the Douglas Hyde Conference in Ballaghaderreen from Friday the 26th to Sunday the 28th of October.

The Cathaoirleach to attend this conference,
On proposal of Cllr. English.
Seconded by Cllr. Lawler.

Cllr English to attend this conference,
On proposal of Cllr. Dalton.
Seconded by Cllr. Lawler.

· Notification of conference on economic development “Gateway Status What’s it worth?” in Dundalk on the 1st of November.

· Notification of Local Authorities Association Annual Winter Conference, in Carlow on the 9th and 10th of November.

· Notification of training seminar on effective communications for councillors on the 16th to 18th of November, in Letterkenny.

· Notification of conference on “Tourism for Changing Lifestyles” in Ennistymon, Co. Clare. On the 22nd to the 24th of November.

The Cathaoirleach Sean Cunnane to attend,
On proposal of Cllr. O’Sullivan.
Seconded by Cllr. English.

· Notification of training seminar on The Local Government Budget 2008.

· Invitation to Book Launch and Art Exhibition in the Seven Oaks Hotel, in Carlow on the 24th of October.

· Letter from The Inland Waterways Association of Ireland requesting that Athy Town Council take over the jetty.

The following discussion took place regarding this letter.

Cllr. English enquired what is the procedure for this.

The Town Clerk replied that a number of issues needed to be addressed before Athy Town Council could consider taking over the jetty e.g. ownership of the river bank needed to be ascertained, specifications and drawings of the jetty would have to be submitted to the council, maintenance issues and costs needed to be investigated, and insurance costs also had to be obtained. Cllr Dalton stated that we need to take over ownership of this jetty and he stated that the Inland Waterways feared loosing the funding for the purchase and installation of the jetty from Kelt, as in order for them to receive the funding the jetty has to be signed over and insured by the council. He enquired if the council could intercede and make sure Inland Waterways did not loose its funding.Cllr Lawler asked if a letter could be issued stating that Athy Town Council are willing to take over the jetty pending the submission of the above mentioned documents.

The Town Manager replied that direct contact to Kelt from the council would help, Kelt have been very flexible in the past. The Town Clerk informed the meeting that she had spoken to Kelt, and they had informed her that they would like the matter dealt with as soon as possible, and that she had assured them that the matter would be dealt with as soon as possible.

· Letter from Minister John Gormely regarding the subvention of private refuse collection.

· A letter of thanks from Athy Sports and Acrobatics club for the €500.00 donation received from the council.

· Letter from Regional Authority, inviting the councillors and the Town Clerk to one of the public information meetings for the revised Retail Strategy for the Greater Dublin Area.

· Letter from Athy District Resource Centre seeking funding.

· Correspondence from the Association of Town Clerks of Ireland, outlining the submission of the Association on Minister Gormley’s proposal for a Green Paper on Local Government Reform.

Cllr English stated that it is important that Athy Town Council discusses the green paper at some point soon. Cllr Dalton informed the members that the paper should be published in January. The Cathaoirleach proposed that in 2008 the council discuss the green paper and offer our views on it to the minister.

The Cathaoirleach then welcomed the Road Safety Officer to the meeting, and invited him to make his report.

Declan Keogh s in his report (a copy of which was circulated to the councillors) stated his role as Road Safety Officer is to promote public awareness among key groups within the community to reduce road fatalities and serious injuries on the roads. He informed the members that he worked with the school wardens throughout the county. Mr. Keogh outlined his plans for the county and Athy area. They included the acquirement of a Mobile Safety bus, the setting up of a road safety awareness programme in conjunction with the court services, initiatives for the removal of unlawful placement of vehicles for sale on roadsides, the formation of a road safety together committee. He outlined three specific plans for Athy, the KCC and AXA road show, the walking bus programme, and pedestrian crossings at the Barrow Bridge Edmund Rice Square, and Upper Leinster St.

The Cathaoirleach thanked the road safety officer for his presentation.

Cllr Daly also thanked Kildare County Council for having the foresight to appoint a road safety officer. Cllr Lawler stated that he had reservations about the pedestrian crossing at the Barrow Bridge, Edmund Rice Square, as he felt it would slow the traffic in the town down even further. He added that he would welcome the pedestrian crossing in Leinster St. Cllr English and O’Sullivan also stated that they would welcome a pedestrian crossing in Leinster St.

The Town Clerk informed Mr. Keogh that he should make his submission for funding of the road show now so that it could be considered for the 2008 budget.


“That this council considers the feasibility of setting up a representative committee of all interested groups and organisations for the purpose of maximising the use and development of the river Barrow and Grand Canal within Athy.”

Speaking in support of his motion Cllr Dalton informed the meeting that utilisation of the waterways was not being maximised. There is a need to pull all the organisations responsible for the river and with an interest in the river together. Cllr English stated that there was a huge opportunity there and that towns in the midlands with similar amenities were using the waterways to their fullest. He also asked how can we best use these assets. Cllr Daly endorsed these remarks and said that all the bodies involved in the river should be brought together.

Proposed by Cllr. Dalton,
Seconded by Cllr. English,
All Agreed.

6. “That the resurfacing of Ballybough Lane be completed as previously agreed”

Speaking in support of his motion Cllr. Dalton stated that he had made representations on this matter to Colm Flynn and he had agreed that the work would be carried out, but only a portion of the work had been completed. The Engineer replied that he would list it for consideration for the 2008 road works programme to be funded by the block road grant.
Cllr Dalton stated that he thought some of the funding received for the sewage scheme had been earmarked for this.

Proposed by Cllr Dalton,
Seconded by Cllr. English,
All Agreed.

7. “That consideration is given to the provision of ramps on the Fortbarrington Rd close
to the entrance to Dunbrin housing estate”

Speaking on the motion Cllr English stated that there were now three to four hundred new houses built in that estate and thus many more cars and pedestrians were now using that road.

Proposed by Cllr. English,
Seconded by Cllr. Dalton.
All Agreed.

8. “That Athy Town Council implement a policy which prohibits the private roadside
selling of vehicles and uses the community warden scheme to implement the policy.”

Speaking on the motion Cllr Daly informed the meeting that a programme aired on TV had dealt with this problem, and the programme indicated that byelaws were needed to deal with the problem. We should request that Kildare County Council introduce byelaws on this. He added in some areas the community wardens’ scheme was being used to tackle the issue. The manager replied that byelaws would allow the council to prosecute those who were using this method to carry on a car trade and he added that Kildare County Council is examining this issue. Cllr. O’ Sullivan stated that she had noticed these cars parked on footpaths. Cllr Dalton supported the motion, and also raised the issue of HGV‘s parking in estates, and he stated that perhaps the council should look at the provision of a safe parking area for these vehicles. The Cathaoirleach added that all enforcement procedures available should be used to prosecute the owners of these vehicles.

Proposed by Cllr. Daly,
Seconded by Cllr. O’ Sullivan,
All Agreed.

9. “That Athy Town Council should make application to Garda authorities for the
the appointment of a community garda in Athy.”

Speaking on the motion Cllr. Daly said that a community garda works with the community and supports the people of that community. The gardaí would welcome our support in endorsing their application for a community Garda in Athy. Cllr. Lawler stated that as chair of the JPC committee he would welcome the appointment of a community Garda. Cllr. English informed the meeting that Athy had a community Garda approximately ten years ago, as part of a pilot scheme, and that pilot scheme had been very successful.

Proposed by Cllr. Daly,
Seconded by Cllr. O’Sullivan,
All Agreed.

10. “In order to encourage recycling that Kildare County Council be asked to suspend
charges at the Athy Civic Amenity Centre and to undertake an active campaign to promote recycling throughout the community.”

Speaking on the motion Cllr. Daly stated that he thought that the council should not be charging for items like glass, furniture, carpets and cooking oil as it is counter productive, and will discourage people bringing these items to the centre. They will end up being dumped. Other council’s don’t charge for these items and we should be doing everything in our power to encourage people to bring items to the centre for recycling. I understand that Kildare County Council needs revenue, but we should seek to have these charges removed with the exception of domestic household waste.

Cllr O’Sullivan stated that she was aware that a lot of illegal dumping was taking place on back roads, and she informed the meeting that she would support the motion with the exception of domestic waste. Cllr Lawler stated that some irresponsible people would still dump even if refuse collection were free. He also stated that fining people who dump is the only way to stop it. Cllr. Dalton informed the meeting not charging might not be feasible from a council budget point of view. It is important to be able to keep the facility open. Waste is a serious problem and for the price of a packet of cigarettes people can get their waste collected. He also stated that there is a lot of dumping, and this should be tackled by way of litter fines and a name and shame campaign. Cllr Dalton concluded by saying that he thought not charging is not an option.

The Cathaoirleach stated that promoting recycling was a very important point, and he stated that he took on board the financial issues. He said he was in favour of asking Kildare County Council to suspend the charges.

The manager replied that the centre was costing €650,000 per year to operate and it does not break even. The glass and paper recycling markets are ok but it costs a significant sum of money to export other materials for recycling. He added we must also adhere to the polluter pays policy.

Cllr Daly added that there is also an inequality issue here, in that families on low incomes get waivers in areas where Kildare County Council still operate the refuse collection system, while they have to pay in Athy. If waiving the charges fully is not feasible then waiving them a couple of times a year should be considered. We have to get people used to using the centre first before we start charging them.

Proposed by Cllr. Daly,
Seconded by Cllr. O’Sullivan.
In favour, Cllr Daly, Cllr, O’Sullivan, The Cathaoirleach.
Abstentions, Cllr. Lawler, Cllr. Dalton.

11. “That Athy Town Council seeks reassurance from the HSE that the new Oncology
Unit in Naas General Hospital remains open for routine treatment”

Cllr O’ Sullivan stated that the unit was only opened six months ago, and prior to this patients had to go to Dublin. Now it is announced that Naas will loose its cancer services with the plans to move them to larger centres. She stated that we should write to the HSE asking them not to close down the unit.

Cllr Dalton stated that the announcement referred to the treatment of breast cancer, and Naas hospital does not deal with this. He said the council should write to confirm this.

Proposed by Cllr. O’ Sullivan,
Seconded by Cllr. Daly,
All Agree.


The Cathaoirleach stated that he intended to arrange a civic reception for Stephen Roche who won two gold medals in the Special Olympics.

Proposed by The Cathaoirleach,
Seconded by Cllr. Lawler.
All Agreed.

The Cathaoirleach informed the meeting that a civic reception had been held on the 5th of October for the 750th Anniversary Celebrations of the Dominican’s in Athy. A plaque had been unveiled on the 6th of October. He requested that a letter of thanks be issued to Frank Taaffe and the committee who organised the celebrations. He also conveyed his thanks to the Acting Town Clerk and her staff for the tremendous work she did to ensure our council made a contribution to the celebrations.

The Cathaoirleach also conveyed his best wishes to the boxers who would be representing Ireland in the world boxing championships in Chicago.

The Cathaoirleach also informed the meeting that the year of the Barrow concluded on Sunday the 14th of October with Minister Sean Power officiating. He requested that the North Barrow branch be thanked for organising the annual water festival, and for winning the Barrow award for 2007. The triathlon was the biggest event held on the Barrow in Athy in 2007, he stated that it was a huge success and he wished to thank Arthur Lynch and all associated with this great event. He also wished to express his thanks to the Athy Rowing club and to congratulate them on their 10th birthday. He stated that he was delighted to learn that fifteen young people were involved including two girls. Its regatta on Sunday, which will become an annual event, had the official recognition of the rowing association of Ireland.

The Cathaoirleach also informed the meeting that three members of the Le Grandvielliers twinning committee had met with Councillors Daly, Breslin and Deputy Wall, Tom Yates and himself last Saturday, and they had outlined a number of events taking place in 2008. The Cathaoirleach thanked Cllr Daly for acting as chair for the local twinning committee and stated that Cllr Daly had resigned and that a new chair of the twinning committee was needed. He requested that the twinning committee meet as soon as possible.

The Cathaoirleach stated that Option A had been chosen for the Arts centre, and he thanked the Methodist community for giving Athy Town Council that option.

The Cathaoirleach informed the meeting that the members had held a meeting in the council offices last night to discuss the retail strategy. The Cathaoirleach stated that it was a very positive meeting and he said he was glad to report that the members are anxious to complete the strategy as early as possible in November.

Lastly the Cathaoirleach stated that it was his intention to meet with the chamber of commerce soon regarding the Christmas lights, and the official launch of Christmas in Athy.


The Town Clerk informed the meeting that 6 CCTV cameras had been installed and they were all operational at present. She also gave a Rapid Update, stating that the results of the Pride of Place competition held in June will be on the 10th of November. The Town Clerk stated that herself, Cllr O’Sullivan, representatives from St. Dominic’s Park, the travellers club, age action, the boxing club and Anne Redmond would be attending.

The Town Clerk requested nominations to sit on the finance committee for the 2008 Budget.

Cllr. John Lawler
Proposed by Cllr. O’Sullivan.
Seconded by Cllr. Dalton.

The Cathaoirleach,
Proposed by Cllr. Dalton,
Seconded by Cllr. Daly.

Cllr. Mary O’Sullivan,
Proposed by Cllr. Dalton,
Seconded by Cllr. Daly.

The Town Clerk then proceeded to brief the meeting on the quarterly finance update.

Cllr Lawler noted that the council’s revenue from the parking meters was down due to the robberies, and he enquired what type of safety devices would be fitted to the meters to prevent them being robbed again and stated that we need to get them fixed as soon as possible. The Town engineer replied that he had placed an order for a protection system for the meters and it would take two to three weeks for them to be in place.

The Town Clerk then proceeded to inform the meeting that the part 8 procedure had to recommence for the Youth Café as the advertisement had been incorrect, in that it did not state that it was a listed building.

Cllr Dalton requested a report on why this was not advertised correctly, he stated it was not good enough that systems were not in place to prevent this from happening. He requested that John Lahart explain to the council how this happened.

Cllr Lawler stated that some de-listings had not been done on the development plan and now this procedure had not been carried out correctly. It makes the elected representatives look incompetent.

Cllr Daly stated that he now had to go and tell the youth sub-committee that the provision of the youth café would be delayed. It is total incompetence; we are applying to ourselves for permission under part 8. I am the one who has to face the youth.

Cllr. O’ Sullivan informed the meeting that she too was very disappointed at the news, and that she agreed with a meeting with John Lahart.

The Cathaoirleach shared the councillor’s disappointment and frustration. He stated it was very difficult to take this set back and he added it showed total incompetence in that that the council could not even put an add in the paper correctly.

The manager replied that he appreciated the councillor’s disappointment and frustration. He said it was a genuine mistake, and nobody can claim to be mistake proof. The end result will be positive and we should not loose sight of that.

The Town Clerk informed the meeting that the correct advertisement would appear in next week’s paper. An advertisement for the one-way system would also be in the paper. It is also intended to have a leaflet drop.

Cllr Dalton stated that he hoped the works would not cause huge traffic disruption.

The Town Engineer replied that he did not envisage the works causing huge chaos as the schools were off.

The Cathaoirleach stated that we should be mindful that this is an experiment and that it would go if it did not work.


Cllr Daly referred to a planning application received on the 17/09/2007, and stated that the developer was to have engaged with the councillors before an application was lodged. He stated that he was disappointed that the application had been lodged without that engagement.


Cllr Lawler requested that the council get a costing for the provision of public lighting in the people’s park; he also stated that the gardaí should be informed that vandals are breaking off branches of trees in the park and the gardaí should investigate this.

Cllr. O’ Sullivan stated that a motion had been tabled earlier in the year regarding a CIE property and she noted that the grass and debris still had not been removed.

Cllr Dalton sought an update on the Carbury Park, Townparks remedial works. The Town Clerk replied that contracts should be signed shortly.

The Councillors expressed a vote of sympathy to David O’Flaherty on the recent death of his wife Catherine, and to the Cathaoirleach on the recent death of his sister Teresa.



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